Smartphone Disaster Mode
When disaster strikes, the smartphone in your pocket should be a powerful ally, helping you locate resources, navigate to safety, assist others, and maintain contact with loved ones.
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In December of 2013 the SmartAmerica Challenge was launched to bring Industry, Academia and the Government to show how Cyber-Physical Systems (the Internet of Things) can create jobs, new business opportunities and socio-economic benefits to America.
On June 11, 2014, 24 teams with over 100 organizations came together at the Washington DC Convention Center for a demonstration. The event was a huge success with keynote remarks by senior government leaders including U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park and General Services Administrator Dan Tangherlini, as well as live demonstrations by 24 SmartAmerica technical teams. The projects showcased ways that the Internet of Things can improve transportation, emergency services, health care, security, energy conservation, and manufacturing. See Expo for the list of speakers and News for media coverage.
Visit the Challenges for details on the projects.
Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architecture SCALE – Safe Community Alert Network Smart Home/Business […]
Enhanced Water Distribution Infrastructure Smart Cities USA
Event Management for Smart Cities SERS – Smart Emergency Response System Smartphone Disaster Mode
Smart Manufacturing Smart Shape Technology
Applied Robotics for Installation and Base Operations Smart Roads Smart Vehicle Communications Southeast Michigan Smart […]
Closed Loop Healthcare Connecting Smart Systems to Optimize Emergency Neurological Life Support Project Boundary SCALE […]
Cyber-secure SyncroPhasers with Security Fabric Smart Energy CPS The Agile Fractal Grid
Cyber-secure SyncroPhaser with Security Fabric Smart Energy CPS Smart Power, Smart Light – Made in […]
When disaster strikes, the smartphone in your pocket should be a powerful ally, helping you locate resources, navigate to safety, assist others, and maintain contact with loved ones.
Visit the team page >>Project Boundary has its roots as a design activity initiated by the IDEA Lab’s IIR and PIF, along with the innovators at Federal Occupational Health in order to help develop an improved wellness solution to address the needs of their federal clients.
Visit the team page >>Two Detroit-based technology start-ups, Nextek Power Systems and TOGGLED, have developed a modular, scalable low voltage power and lighting system that allows facility managers to rewire and move lights as building needs change – more safely and cost effectively than conventional systems.
Visit the team page >>The IEEE-Standards Association Industry Connections - Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architectures (CSHBA) group is working on pre-standardization efforts for the Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architectures.
Visit the team page >>Disasters strike and we have to prepare. Much of responses to extreme emergency scenarios used to be a result of trial and error, and adhoc solutions. The aftermath has been tremendously painful.
Visit the team page >>Self-driving vehicles are coming. ARIBO is accelerating this game-changing industry which will have profound economic impact for the US.
Visit the team page >>Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) consumes up to 40% of commercial buildings’ energy. Daikin is supplementing their DoE energy efficiency award-winning rooftop units (RTU) with an advanced energy sensor and intelligent wireless gateway from Intel, attached to each HVAC RTU for buildings on a given campus.
Visit the team page >>With integrated communications increasingly installed in both private and public vehicles, automobiles are providing a level of insight into transportation operations as well as setting the stage for enabling intermodal transportation concepts that will make more efficient use of transportation infrastructure in the future.
Visit the team page >>Sensor data goes with you seamlessly from home to ambulance to hospital to back home.
Visit the team page >>Smart Shape Technology (SST) completely disrupts current supply-chain channels, where today a consumer or manufacturer may only have one channel to gain visibility and to procure parts/products.
Visit the team page >>McAfee, an Intel Company, recognizes the importance of extending traditional IT security as Cyber-Security for Cyber-Physical systems and Critical Infrastructure. We have led the industry to create a Security Fabric Framework and have implemented it for a Smart Grid Testbed, focusing initially on Synchrophasors to improve the control, security and robustness of the electric grid.
Visit the team page >>Connect multiple test beds within different M2M verticals, to create a secure and flexible infrastructure where things can exchange information.
Visit the team page >>The goal of the project is to demonstrate how creating and/or connecting to Smart Systems can optimize the care of brain injured person by providing early diagnosis, early treatments, context aware patient routing, and advanced individualized patient management.
Visit the team page >>Using a variety of connection methods, including ultra narrow band and mesh networks, SCALE will show that the public sector can create an automated safety alert and community awareness network that protects vulnerable populations.
Visit the team page >>Like cell phones, vehicles will connect to multiple data services, including cellular, wi-fi and DSRC (digital short range communication).
Visit the team page >>SMLC is widely recognized for its commitment to the transformative potential of Smart Manufacturing and substantially lowering the barriers to extensive deployment of Smart Manufacturing (SM) systems.
Visit the team page >>Our world is changing how energy is produced, distributed and consumed. We have the opportunity to determine our nation’s role in this transformation.
Visit the team page >>The Agile Fractal Grid is a combination of the Industrial Internet operating in tandem high performance computing and a new generation of digital controls that can operate the grid with greater agility, real time precision, and dynamic alignment with changing local conditions.
Visit the team page >>The electricity system continues to transform from a centrally supplied and managed infrastructure to a highly distributed system with an increasing variety of distributed supply, storage and responsive demand assets.
Visit the team page >>Traditionally, cyber-physical systems designed for home and building automation, energy management, surveillance, e-Health, and electric-vehicle charging have been self-contained and unable to interacted with other systems.
Visit the team page >>The potential of Smart Transportation Systems (STS) is enormous: improvements in travel time and road safety, reductions in congestion, and improvements in the performance of the road system and fuel efficiency can easily be translated into economic benefits.
Visit the team page >>An increasing number of the world’s citizens – including those in the US – are moving to cities, spurring skyrocketing demand for resources and services in these urban centers.
Visit the team page >>Smart Water Assets and sensors will fill a major gap currently existing in the water, wastewater & environmental industry effecting how utilities routinely collect, transmit, process, and create system and asset data.
Visit the team page >>Event Management for Smarter Cities is a joint solution of IBM and AT&T that leverages Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and IBM Smarter Cities Software as a Service (SaaS) to play a significant role across the event lifecycle, from planning to execution to review and analysis.
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