Autonomous Robotics for Installation and Base Operations (ARIBO)
Self-driving vehicles are coming. ARIBO is accelerating this game-changing industry which will have profound economic impact for the US.
Closed Loop Healthcare
Sensor data goes with you seamlessly from home to ambulance to hospital to back home.
Connecting Smart Systems to Optimize Emergency Neurological Life Support
The goal of the project is to demonstrate how creating and/or connecting to Smart Systems can optimize the care of brain injured person by providing early diagnosis, early treatments, context aware patient routing, and advanced individualized patient management.
Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architecture
The IEEE-Standards Association Industry Connections - Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architectures (CSHBA) group is working on pre-standardization efforts for the Convergence of Smart Home and Building Architectures.
Cyber Secure Synchrophasor Security Fabric
McAfee, an Intel Company, recognizes the importance of extending traditional IT security as Cyber-Security for Cyber-Physical systems and Critical Infrastructure. We have led the industry to create a Security Fabric Framework and have implemented it for a Smart Grid Testbed, focusing initially on Synchrophasors to improve the control, security and robustness of the electric grid.
Enhanced Water Distribution Infrastructure
Smart Water Assets and sensors will fill a major gap currently existing in the water, wastewater & environmental industry effecting how utilities routinely collect, transmit, process, and create system and asset data.
Event Management for Smart Cities
Event Management for Smarter Cities is a joint solution of IBM and AT&T that leverages Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and IBM Smarter Cities Software as a Service (SaaS) to play a significant role across the event lifecycle, from planning to execution to review and analysis.
Project Boundary
Project Boundary has its roots as a design activity initiated by the IDEA Lab’s IIR and PIF, along with the innovators at Federal Occupational Health in order to help develop an improved wellness solution to address the needs of their federal clients.
SCALE: Safe Community Alert Network (a.k.a. Public Safety for Smart Communities)
Using a variety of connection methods, including ultra narrow band and mesh networks, SCALE will show that the public sector can create an automated safety alert and community awareness network that protects vulnerable populations.
Smart Cities USA
An increasing number of the world’s citizens – including those in the US – are moving to cities, spurring skyrocketing demand for resources and services in these urban centers.

Smart Emergency Response System (SERS)
Disasters strike and we have to prepare. Much of responses to extreme emergency scenarios used to be a result of trial and error, and adhoc solutions. The aftermath has been tremendously painful.
Smart Energy CPS
Our world is changing how energy is produced, distributed and consumed. We have the opportunity to determine our nation’s role in this transformation.